Research Triangle Business Advisors Testimonials

Services Companies

"RTBA has provided me with invaluable guidance in clarifying company objectives and in building a strategic plan to achieve those objectives. Their advice is excellent, and their fun to work with."

Sarah O'Keefe


Scriptorium Publishing Services

“Research Triangle Business Advisors provided us great insight and value.  The business plan we developed together helped me shape my business and help me get on the growth path.”

Rick Bandy
Critical Thinking Company

 “We have over 3,000 employees and a national business that has grown by 100% for the past 3 years.  We deal with personnel and management issues constantly.  Research Triangle Business Advisors has helped us improve and focus on the important issues.”

Eric Hanvey
Set and Service Resources

 “We were stalled on our growth plan and distracted with the number of alternatives we had.  Research Triangle Business Advisors helped us reduce our focus from 20 or 30 options to just a handful.  We are now back on track with our plan.”

Heidi Dent

"I want to give my sincerest thanks for the work you've done with our business and family. Often your work with us goes beyond your role as business consultant, and into the difficult realm of family business counselor. You take on this role in a seemingly effortless way and without complaint. Your work with us in this capacity has an immeasurably positive effect on our relations as a family, and therefore our effectiveness as family business. All of this is to say nothing of the invaluable advice you provide to us as a business, family business or otherwise. Thank you again for your fantastic work. You've helped us more than you know."

Josh Pope


Cary Clean Team


Architecture Firms

“We have been rated by the AIA as one of the top 2% of design firms in the country.  Research Triangle Business Advisors has been instrumental for the past several years in guiding me and helping us grow in the industry.”

Mike Phillips
Phillips Architecture (Interiors)

 "The sales program by Research Triangle Business Advisors is a great product for the value! To higher management it would be a valuable tool to see where sales managers should/could be focusing. Realigns the view of a sales/marketing position."

Mari Bonbrest
Marketing Director
JDavis Architects (Mixed Use)

 “I was faced with productivity and quality issues.  Research Triangle Business Advisors helped me understand how to hold my staff accountable and drive their performance with incentives and consequences.”

Rich Roberts
Omega Architecture (Retail)

 “Two of my executive team members are being mentored by Research Triangle Business Advisors.  Research Triangle Business Advisors has been helping us improve our performance and help all of us focus on what’s important.” 

Lou Jurkowski
BJAC (Government)

 “I consider my Research Triangle Business Advisors mentor my business partner.  He not only coaches me, but he is a great sounding board and performs the role of one of my executives by acting on my behalf in many situations.”

Robert Courrier
Currier Consultants and Design (Retail Restaurant)

“We have employed at least ten management consultants in ten years.  Research Triangle Business Advisors has made more of a difference in six months than all the rest put together.  All the other consultants were theoretical in their approach and recommendations.  RTBA’s approach is practical, easy to understand and straight forward to implement.” 

Robbie Ferris


SfL+a Architects (Government Schools)


Advertising Firms

“Just as my clients keep track of the value I provide them, I track the value that my vendors provide us.  Research Triangle Business Advisors has consistently provided significantly more value to our company than the cost of their services.”

Sidney Reynolds
The Signature Agency           

 “Research Triangle Business Advisors was very patient with me and helped me improve my sales process”

Ray Emery
Emery Advertising


Financial Services Firms

“I have been fortunate to be named business woman of the year by Business Leader Magazine, The Triangle Business Journal, and the American Accounting Association.  I firmly believe that this recognition is partly due to the great coaching I have received from Research Triangle Business Advisors”

Cindy Anderson
CD-Anderson & Associates (Tax & Accounting)

"Your coaching has focused us on lots of little inconsistencies in our original financial model."

Ken Long


Critical Point Group


BioPharma Companies

“I’ve been asked by Research Triangle Business Advisors what I do for myself.  He meant, what do I do to relax, but my answer in any case is I meet with my Research Triangle Business Advisors mentor.  I look forward to our meetings because I always take away something of value.”

Steve McPhail
Expression Analysis - a Quintiles Company (Expression Array Genotyping)



“Research Triangle Business Advisors was very helpful to me in negotiating an exit strategy in one company and the formation of another.”

Michael Kerr
Edge Office (Furniture)

 "I have attended three different sales training programs in the past. The program by Research Triangle Business Advisors was by far the most useful. I can't wait to put what I learned into practice."

Katy Barker
Account Manager
Business Resource Group (Furniture)


Software Companies

“As a provider of key support services to startups, Research Triangle Business Advisors is uniquely positioned to help us accelerate the success of early stage startups in North Carolina. Their solid reputation as executive coaches/mentors and ability to help companies eliminate roadblocks to success complement the objectives of this effort. We are pleased to have them be an integral part of this exciting new program, as a BizSpark Network Partner”

Cliff Reeves

General Manager

Microsoft Emerging Business Team

"Effective and real world – Research Triangle Business Advisors has a good ability to listen and apply information to help me improve my business."

Kelly Campbell
Interface Technologies (Custom Software Services)

 "Research Triangle Business Advisors’ insight was very valuable in helping Incential Software, Iinc set business strategy and their advice and council on business development gave us a negotiation advantage. If we had started working with Research Triangle Business Advisors nine months earlier, we could have avoided some tough issues."

John Gold
Incential Software, Inc. (Sales Compensation Software)

 "Research Triangle Business Advisor’s sales expertise was excellent - helpful for the beginner as well as the journeyman / experienced salesperson."

Wendy Haynes,
Sales and Marketing Manager
Providence Software (Custom Software Services)

"Thanks for your help improving our pitch and plan.  I appreciate everything that you have done to help us.  I am delighted that we are working together."

Jim McHugh



 "You always give us a shot of inspiration and hope as well as sound business advice."


"...I sure appreciate the mentoring and wisdom that you both continue to provide us.  It always amazes me to realize how much I didn't  know and how little I really knew about what I thought I know."


"Thank you so much for the encouraging comments.  I receive your praise with special esteem since I know that you have high standards, sincere and measured, when it comes to distributing praise."


Ed Lyons


Lyons Information Systems

"We spent our early years controlling our growth and building a super product with 100% client satisfaction.  Now we needed to become a much better marketing company!  Thanks to Research Triangle Business Advisors we put marketing programs in place for the world to get to know us.  The result has been exponential growth!  Thank you for all the great work."

Monica Wooden


MercuryGate International, Inc (Transportation Management System) 

"I appreciate every minute of our time together.  You are so good at getting me to think and push through to the next level."

Kristy Peters


focus3 Software


Manufacturing Companies

"Research Triangle Business Advisors provided me excellent insight into how to control the sales process without looking like a 'salesman'."

Brian Hrabec


Toner Solutions (Toner Cartridge Remanufacture)

 “I starting my second business and needed help developing my business plan.  Research Triangle Business Advisors and I have worked jointly to develop the business plan and I have been able to take many of the plans and apply them to my other business on my own.”

Andrew Sloop
Amazon Millworks (Custom Wood Products)


Internet Based Companies

"Thank you for all of your advice and hard work!  I could not have gotten this started without you!"

Dean Bundschu





"You've certainly done excellent work helping us transform our approach to the funding process.  I want to be sure you know how much I appreciate your excellent work...which we value greatly."

Sam Yanuck

Chief Science Officer



Marketing Companies


"Again, an amazing and productive day yesterday.  I definitely have a skip in my step today that was not there a few days ago.  We cannot thank you enough.  We are on the right track to have a great 2008 thanks to your support."

"...Thank you even more for helping me see through the weeds."

Rob Autry


Live Riley


"Let me thank you for all the advice to date, we have all found it extremely helpful and have either directly or indirectly applied all recommendations.  I think we have made some good incremental steps and hearing your feedback has very much helped propel us in the right direction."


"You are an excellent seasoned professional that provides very candid and specialized recommendation while providing the formula to execute them.  If your business is in need of assessment or development I'd highly recommend RTBA."

Raoul Davis


Ascendant Strategy Group


Cary Business List


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